How do you protect yourself from uninsured and underinsured liability?

man talking to two people across a table

While the price tag for insurance can be high, the cost of not having adequate protection can be even higher. With a Nationwide Private Client excess liability policy, you can protect yourself from such risk. With our optional uninsured and underinsured liability (UL/UIL) coverage, you can relax knowing you have additional protection if you’re involved in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured at-fault driver or negligent third party.

How you may be at risk

  • You are walking through a parking lot when you’re hit by a car. You sustain serious injuries. The driver was uninsured and your medical bills exceed $1 million.
  • You are seriously injured as the result of a slip and fall on your neighbor’s property. The neighbor has only $300,000 in liability coverage, well below what you are legally entitled to recover.
  • Your vehicle is struck by a car running a red light. You are severely injured as a result of this accident. The driver carries only state minimum liability limits, which is not enough coverage for your extensive medical bills.

How Nationwide Private Client responds

Nationwide Private Client’s excess liability coverage was developed to help protect your assets in the event of an unexpected accident with an uninsured or underinsured party. By adding UL/UIL coverage to Nationwide Private Client excess liability policies, you are protecting yourself from exposure caused by parties who are liable but do not have sufficient means to cover the full extent of damages. Additionally, Nationwide Private Client’s UL/UIL coverage is significantly more extensive than traditional uninsured motorist and underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage, as it extends to circumstances beyond auto accidents, and it applies to other third-party liability, affording you significantly broader coverage.

Why it’s important for you

You are at increased risk given the fact that about 1 in 8 motorists1 carry no insurance at all, and some homeowners choose to lower the limits of liability in their policies to save money.

Nationwide Private Client’s UL/UIL coverage benefits:

  • Closes potential gaps in another party’s auto liability and in traditional UM/UIM coverage. If you travel abroad, our UL/UIL is not limited to the U.S., its territories and possessions and Canada.
  • Offers up to $5 million limits available.
  • Value priced — On average, the annual cost is under $200 for a $1 million limit.

Nationwide Private Client offers these added benefits:

  • Specialized claims service: Our team of problem-solvers is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
[1] Insurance Research Council, (accessed Jan. 14, 2022).
[2] Based on revenue, Fortune magazine (June 2, 2021).