With Nationwide Heritage® Single Premium Whole Life, you can immediately increase excess funds you don’t need for retirement into a larger, income tax-free gift for your loved ones.

Key features

  • Permanent protection
  • Single premium payment
  • A quick and easy approval process
  • Guaranteed cash value and death benefit
  • Access to benefits that you can use during your lifetime
  • 100% refund of premium on surrender, less any outstanding loans, at any time if you decide the policy isn't right for you
  • Income tax-free death benefit to heirs

Learn more about Nationwide Heritage

Available riders and features

We offer optional riders and features that help you maintain control over your policy and your legacy.

Chronic Illness Rider1

Allows you to request a portion of your death benefit early if diagnosed with a permanent chronic illness.

Terminal Illness Rider1

Allows you to request a portion of your death benefit early if diagnosed with a terminal illness.

Owner-directed settlement options

Allows you to decide how and when the benefit is accessed by your loved ones

How to buy whole life insurance

You need to work with an insurance professional to buy this type of product. If you don't have one, our life insurance specialists are here to help.

Give us a call today at 1-866-207-9160 for a no-obligation consultation

[1] Our living benefits are automatically included on Nationwide Heritage policies. There is no additional charge unless you use them.

Please read this important information
Guarantees and protections are subject to Nationwide’s claims-paying ability.