Lean on our team of specialists to provide an independent, customized analysis of portfolios, funds, separately managed accounts (SMAs) or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). This service is designed to help identify portfolio strengths and weaknesses, understand allocations, and identify gaps to potentially improve risk-adjusted returns.

Requested reports can include any/all of the following:

Individual and competing fund analysis

  • Gain insights on strategy composition, risk, correlations and performance
  • Identify manager complement or replacement opportunities
  • Potentially improve risk-adjusted returns to strengthen investment models 

Heat map

  • Get a clear view of manager performance over multiple time periods via risk, return, category peer group ranking, and MPT statistical analysis 
  • Help ensure efficient investment decisions while confirming portfolio diversification 

Model analysis

  • Analyze models to identify potential sources of portfolio bias, volatility or investment overweight/underweight
  • Stress-test performance during periods of extreme market volatility to better understand what clients may experience during market corrections
  • Consolidate multiple investments into a high-level portfolio view
Work with your Nationwide wholesaler or call 1-877-877-5083 to request a custom portfolio analysis based on your desired level of detail.