An evaluation guide for fiduciaries, brought to you by the Nationwide Retirement Institute®

 Woman smiling at man

Exploring the addition of guaranteed lifetime income solutions as an investment option to your qualified plan offering?

You can rely on the innovation and expertise of Nationwide to help you navigate the process of enhancing your retirement plan, so plan participants can worry less about running out of money in retirement.

Why choose in-plan guaranteed lifetime income solutions?

One of the biggest fears for American savers is not having enough money to last throughout their entire retirement. To help alleviate some of these concerns, more and more plan fiduciaries are looking to add guaranteed lifetime income solutions to their plan's fund lineup.

Guaranteed lifetime income solutions are new territory for many. To fully understand and evaluate these solutions, plan fiduciaries may benefit from familiarizing themselves with the following:

  • Fiduciary responsibility and new opportunities created by the SECURE Act
  • Selection and implementation
  • Oversight and monitoring
  • Portability

Take the next step

About 9 in 10 employees

report they are at least somewhat likely to roll over a portion of their current retirement savings into a guaranteed lifetime income investment option if it was available through their employer. 

Nationwide Retirement Institute 2022 In-Plan Lifetime Income Survey, September 2022.

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Why Nationwide?

 Built on a foundation of strength and stability, Nationwide has stood the test of market dynamics from 1926 to today, weathering all sorts of volatility.

With 40+ years of experience in both annuities and retirement plans, you can be confident in Nationwide as a trusted plan partner.

Learn about our stability

In-plan guarantee solutions

Financial professionals can learn more and check out our solutions by selecting the appropriate market: small-business 401(k) or institutional 401(k), 457(b) and 401(a).

Plan sponsors can view this website to learn more about our solutions.

Get started
Schedule an appointment to learn more about how you can help create a protected stream of income for your participants.