Our thought leadership and continuing education offerings are designed to help you deepen your client relationships by being well-informed about the subjects they care about.

We offer live courses to help you meet your continuing education needs.

Our live webinars can be used for both state insurance and designation credit hours. See below for session details.

Woman working at a computer

Planning for legacy, estate and wealth transfer

Helping clients prepare to age with dignity

Credit hours: 1 | Not available for state insurance credit
Intended for CFP, CIMA, CLU, ChFC, CRPC, CRPS

Offering holistic guidance to clients is more than just putting a plan in place. It's key to working with clients about planning for the process of aging with dignity and understanding the risks that come with longevity, all while remaining vigilant with wealth management and retirement plans.

2:00 PM ET
July 18, 2024
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Protecting your value and legacy

Credit hours: 1 | Not approved in: CA, CT, FL, GA, MT, NV, OK, VA, WA

In this presentation, we will look at the new inheritance rules for individual non-spouse beneficiaries that the SECURE Act puts in place for IRA owners through a review of the rules, case studies, and an examination of some wealth transfer strategies that may be attractive for families to utilize in light of the SECURE Act changes.

2:00 PM ET
September 25, 2024
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Legacy Essentials: How you can help clients realize wealth transfer goals

Credit hours: 1 | Not approved in CA, MO, NV, NJ, TX, VA, WA
Intended for CFP, CIMA,CLU, ChFC, CRPC, CRPS

Approaching the wealth transfer conversation with clients can be a difficult subject to tackle but a needed element of future planning. This session will help you identify steps you can take to help your clients achieve their most meaningful goals.

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Planning for a smooth business transition

Credit hours: 1 | Not approved in: VA & NJ
Intended for CFP, CPE. CLU/ ChFC & CIMA

This course will help financial advisors and CPAs work with business owner clients on succession planning for their business. Owners often struggle with the emotional decisions & enormity of succession planning, which results in procrastination and paralysis. 

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Planning for health care costs and longevity

The best possible client experience in the last phase of retirement

Credit hours: 1
Intended for CFP, CIMA, CLU, ChFC

Your clients’ need for long-term care may increase as they age in retirement. This CE presentation prepares you to have this delicate conversation with clients and to offer solutions that help them plan for a more secure financial future.

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Understanding healthcare costs & their impact on retirement

Credit hours: 1 | Not Approved in: NJ, DC
Intended for CFP, CIMA, CLU, ChFC

Are you able to meet the expectations of clients who want your guidance regarding Medicare and health care costs in retirement? In this CE presentation, learn how to set yourself apart with our value-added content.

2:00 PM ET
July 23, 2024
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The convergence of health & wealth: Health savings accounts for retirement and health care planning

Credit hours: 1 | Approved in all states
Intended for CFP, CIMA, CLU, ChFC

A health savings account (HSA) can be a powerful savings vehicle for clients to use toward health care costs in retirement. Learn about the key characteristics of HSAs and the tax-preferred treatment of the assets invested.

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Long-term care planning: Are your clients prepared?

Credit hours: 1 | Not Approved in: CO, IA, NV, NJ
Intended for CFP,CPE,CLU/ChFC & CIMA

This course will focus on the long-term care market and how a rider added to a life insurance policy may be just the strategy many of people need to help reach their financial planning objectives. We will focus on the fact that without proper planning, long-term care can be the greatest threat to financial security today.

2:00 PM ET
July 17, 2024
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Medicare: What you need to know when your clients ask for help

Credit hours: 1 | Not approved in: NJ, OK

This presentation boosts your knowledge of Medicare coverage and costs — without requiring you to become an expert. Discover how your clients' Medicare eligibility provides opportunities for you, and how you can plan ahead for the impact to their retirement income.

2:00 PM ET
September 10, 2024
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Planning for retirement savings and income

Beneficiary and wealth transfer planning after the SECURE Act

Credit hours: 1 | Not Approved in: AZ, CT, HI, MI, MO, MT, NJ, OK. PA, TX, DC, WV
Intended for CFP, CPE. CLU/ ChFC & CIMA

In this presentation we will look at the new inheritance rules for individual non-spouse beneficiaries that the SECURE Act puts in place for IRA owners through a review of the rules, case studies and an examination of some wealth transfer strategies that may be attractive for families to utilize in light of the SECURE Act changes.

2:00 PM ET
August 29, 2024
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Tax-efficient retirement income: A basic tax overview

Credit hours: 1 | Not approved in: AK, CA, GA, HI, MO, NJ, OK, TX, WA
Intended for CFP, CIMA, CLU, ChFC, CRPC, CRPS

Most investors save for retirement with a 401(k), 403(b) or other tax-deferred account, which may result in a hefty tax bill or higher tax bracket for your clients when they withdraw income — especially at age 72, when RMDs begin. This course reviews tax basics and discusses the importance of having tax flexibility among various investments and accounts.

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Tax-efficient retirement income: Planning opportunities and sequencing strategies

Credit hours: 1 | Not approved in: AK, HI, NJ, OK & TX
Intended for CFP, CIMA, CLU, ChFC, CRPC, CRPS

This course will discuss planning opportunities to reduce the impact of taxes on your client's retirement income, such as net unrealized appreciation, HSAs, Roth conversions and qualified charitable deductions. We'll also cover case studies that demonstrate how the order of withdrawals can impact the longevity of a retirement income plan.

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Roth IRA conversion considerations

Credit hours: 1 | Not approved in: CA, CO, NV, NJ, OK, VA & WA
Intended for CFP, CIMA, CLU, ChFC, CRPC, CRPS

To Roth or not to Roth: That is the question we address in this CE webinar. This course addresses the challenges of large traditional IRAs, how a Roth can benefit retirees with tax-free retirement income, and other factors to consider before making a conversion.

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Social Security: The choice of a lifetime

Credit hours: 1 | Not approved in: ME, OK, DC, KY

Don't risk losing a client due to lack of Social Security knowledge. In this CE presentation, we'll focus on the Social Security rules you should know and discuss integrating your client's Social Security decision into a comprehensive retirement income plan.

2:00 PM ET
October 10, 2024
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Registered index-linked annuities

Credit hours: 1 | Approved in all states
Intended for CFP, CIMA, CLU, ChFC

In this course, we'll examine the various designs of protection components within registered indexed-link annuities (RILAs). Round out your knowledge of RILAs with an overview of their history and how they compare to other types of annuity products.

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Understanding of LTC tax advantages and tax reporting

Credit hours: 1 | See registration page
Intended for CFP, CIMA, CLU, ChFC, CRPC, CRPS

Attend this presentation to find out how LTC benefits can be tax-free, based on either a set daily amount or the actual costs incurred. Learn about the tax advantages and HSA eligibility of regular LTC policies, discover potential deductions for business owners, and get tips on simplified tax reporting, covering linked benefit policies and rules for policy exchanges.

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The nonqualified annuity stretch

Credit hours: 1 | See registration page
Intended for : CFP, CIMA, CLU, ChFC, CRPC, CRPS

Learn how the Nonqualified Annuity Stretch helps you delay taxes, transfer assets more efficiently, manage distributions strategically, and become a crucial part of planning for the future. It also supports long-term planning and allows you to help your clients leave a lasting legacy for their heirs.

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Avoiding common annuity mistakes

Credit hours: 1 | Not approved in: GA, OK, MD & SC
Intended for CFP, CPE, CLU/ChFC, CIMA

This course will teach insurance agents, financial professionals and CPAs how to avoid some of the common nonqualified annuity mistakes.

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Advanced concepts in NQDC plans

Credit Hours: 1 | Not approved in: AK, HI, TX and VA
Intended for CFP, CPE. CLU/ ChFC & CIMA

An in-depth look at the primary features of a nonqualified deferred compensation plan, Code section 409A rules and restrictions, design consideration and informal financing options.

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Cash balance plans in the retirement planning market

Credit Hours: 1 | Not approved in: OK, TX, VA and WA
Intended for ASPPA, CFP, CPE. CLU/ ChFC & CIMA

A brief history of qualified plans and how the growth of defined contribution salary deferral plans impacted the development of cash balance plan; what a cash balance plan is; key features of cash balance plans; what types of businesses are best suited to establish a cash balance plan; how to set up such a plan; and a case study showing a snapshot of how cash balance plan contributions might look from a sample professional services firm.

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Four unique categories of retirement plan investments

Credit hours: 1 | Not approved in: AK, CO, MO, NV, NJ, OK, VA, WA

This presentation explains four unique investments (ESG, Private Equity, Cryptocurrency, and Stable Value) and their use in ERISA-qualified retirement plans.

2:00 PM ET
August 13, 2024
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Extended audiences

Special considerations for black clients' financial futures

Credit hours: 1 | Not approved in: NJ - Pending in: HI
Intended for CFP, CIMA, CLU, ChFC, CRPC, CRPS

Understanding the historical and current considerations of your Black clients will help you draft personalized retirement plans that take on a more holistic framework. The first step is understanding the impacts of historical financial discrimination and how this has helped shape the current state of financial affairs. From this understanding, you can better prepare planning conversations around retirement, Social Security, healthcare and long-term care to better prepare this generation, and the next.

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Special considerations for hispanic clients

Credit hours: 1 | Not approved in: CT, GA, FL, HI, NJ, NY, SC, OK and TX

Your Hispanic clients deserve custom planning considerations that address their unique situations and solve for their retirement planning needs. This session provides relevant Hispanic consumer insights that may frame the way you think about, and plan with, your growing Hispanic client roster.

2:00 PM ET
September 19, 2024
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Special considerations for LGBTQ client’s financial futures

Credit hours: 1 | Not approved in: AK, HI, NJ, OK & TX
Intended for CFP, CIMA, CLU, ChFC, CRPC, CRPS

LGBTQ professionals are a growing client segment in financial services. These clients may have special considerations a financial professional should take into account when talking to them about choices they make around current finances, as well as short and long-term financial goals. This course will provide insights into working with LGBTQ clients and highlight those considerations that may differentiate the analysis and guidance that is typically provided.

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Women and Retirement - The XX factor: How to future-proof your advisory business by better serving women

Credit hours: 1 | Not approved in: AK, NH, TX
Intended for CFP, CIMA, CLU, ChFC

As they prepare for and live in retirement, women are faced with unique challenges related to Social Security, health care and long-term care. Explore the changing landscape within this demographic and walk away with actionable insights to better serve your female clients and strengthen your advisory business.

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Avoiding beneficiary designation mistakes

Credit hours: 1 | Not approved in: CA, MO, NV, NJ, TX, VA and WA
Intended for CPF, CIMA, CLU, ChFC, CRPC, CRPS

To avoid beneficiary designation mistakes, it is crucial to thoroughly understand the contractual details, coordinate with the client's overall planning, consider tax implications, and align the designations with the client's specific goals and preferences. This presentation covers a comprehensive approach that ensures accurate and effective beneficiary designations in line with the client's wishes and broader financial strategy.

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Contact the Nationwide Retirement Institute Planning Team
You can reach out to someone on our sales team at 1-877-245-0763 or IPLNDESK@Nationwide.com.

Neither Nationwide nor its representatives give legal or tax advice. Please have your clients consult with their attorney or tax advisor for answers to their specific tax questions.