Whether you're guiding clients through conversations about crafting a legacy or implementing efficient estate and wealth transfer strategies, setting up a smooth transition can build your relationships with your existing clients and give you opportunities to lay the groundwork for beginning relationships with their heirs.

The Importance of planning for legacy with empathy

Discussing legacy planning can be delicate for both financial professionals and clients. Learn more about the importance of planning for a client's legacy with empathy.

Building empathy with clients

Research shows that trust is a powerful driver in the client/financial professional relationship. Learn about the 5 main components of empathy and how they can be leveraged to further strengthen client relationships.

Planning for the later stages of retirement

Financial professionals are in a unique position to help clients plan for their legacy. Learn more about planning for longevity, including the cognitive, physical and financial needs of your clients.

Estate planning and transferring wealth

Planning for your client's estate goes beyond just the financial nuances. Learn the neccessities of building trust with families during estate planning, the tools for transferring wealth and how to ensure that assets transfer efficiently.