A photo of a financial professional sitting across from a couple and shaking hands with a woman.

Pre-retirees and retirees need and want help with their retirement planning

Today’s pre-retirees and recent retirees face a series of critical decisions that will impact their financial security for the rest of their lives. One of these decisions is building a diversified portfolio of reliable, lifetime income that helps them pay for their essential and discretionary living expenses. This decision is the foundation of financial security for most retirees.

However, the reality is that most pre-retirees and retirees do not have the expertise or experience to develop such a portfolio on their own. One recent survey of 2,000 pre-retirees and retirees shows that more than half would like help with determining when to start Social Security benefits, deploying savings to generate retirement income, and developing an investment strategy in retirement.1

Key decisions retirees must make include:

  • Timing of retirement
  • Covering the gap between retirement and Social Security benefits
  • Optimizing Social Security benefits
  • Generating retirement income
  • Allocating the remainder of the portfolio

Access the full version of the white paper for an overview of typical goals that clients may have for retirement, the key decisions they face and a 10-step guide to building a portfolio of retirement income.

Review the white paper

[1] Disconnected:Reality vs. Perception in Retirement Planning, by Martha Deevy and Steve Vernon, FSA. Stanford Center on Longevity, October 2022. longevity.stanford.edu/wp-content/ uploads/2022/09/Planning-Ahead-1.pdf


Sponsorship of a third party does not imply endorsement of the information presented. Views and opinions are those of the author. Neither Nationwide nor any of its affiliates are related to or affiliated with Steve Vernon or Rest-of-Life Communications.

Federal income tax laws are complex and subject to change. The information in this memorandum is based on current interpretations of the law and is not guaranteed. Nationwide and its representatives do not give legal or tax advice. An attorney or tax advisor should be consulted for answers to specific questions.

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