For most clients, the age at which they claim Social Security benefits will have the greatest impact on the amount of lifetime benefits they receive. With our resources you can explore how age and other key factors impact the guidance you provide when asked, “When should I claim my Social Security benefits?”

Social Security Beginnings

For most clients, Social Security benefits replace about 30% of their pre-retirement income, and that percentage is going down. Learn how to help clients better understand their benefits. (This is Part 1 of a 5-part series on Social Security.)

Social Security Full Retirement Age

There are good reasons for your clients to wait until full retirement age (FRA) to claim Social Security benefits. Learn about those and the potential consequences to filing earlier. (This is Part 2 of a 5-part series on Social Security.)

Social Security Monthly Benefits

Your clients may need help understanding how their benefits can increase or decrease based on decisions they can control. Learn how Social Security benefits are calculated. (This is Part 3 of a 5-part series on Social Security.)

The Social Security Statement

A Social Security statement is easy to obtain and can be a powerful planning tool. Review how to walk a client through what they'll find on their personalized statement of benefits and how to use it in your planning conversations. (This is Part 4 of a 5-part series on Social Security.)

Nationwide's Social Security 360 Analyzer®

At no charge, financial professionals can utilize the Nationwide Social Security 360 Analyzer(r) to offer a personalized review of different filing options. Learn how to leverage this tool with clients and to better integrate it in planning discussions. (This is Part 5 of a 5-part series on Social Security.)

Social Security 101

Hank's story: Discover how Hank's financial professional helped him decide when to file for his Social Security retirement benefits.

Approved for client distribution.

Social Security

A tale of 2 strategies: Marianne shares with her friend Joyce how she and her husband worked with a financial professional to decide when to file for Social Security benefits.

Approved for client distribution.