Trampoline safety tips everyone should know

While a trampoline is a great source of entertainment and exercise, it can also be very dangerous if trampoline safety rules are not followed.

Jumping safely

Follow these trampoline safety guidelines:

  • Children age 5 and under should not be permitted on a trampoline.
  • Provide adult supervision and adult spotters around the edge of the trampoline.
  • Never allow more than 1 person to jump at a time.
  • Do not permit gymnastic exercises or stunts, such as somersaults or flips.
  • Never allow children to bounce off the trampoline. Encourage them to stop bouncing, walk to the edge, sit and slide off.
  • To prevent young children from getting on without supervision, do not leave a ladder or chair near the trampoline.
  • Never permit children to play on a wet trampoline.
  • Place your trampoline in a fenced area to avoid being liable for injuries caused by your trampoline acting as an attractive nuisance. Failing to take proper precautions regarding an attractive nuisance could make you ineligible for a standard homeowners policy.

Best spot for a trampoline

In addition to following home trampoline safety rules, spend time choosing the safest place to put your trampoline. Be sure to:

  • Find a clear, flat area free from potential hazards, such as fences, hedges, trees, washing lines or other equipment.
  • Place the trampoline on soft, energy-absorbing ground. Good options include sand, bark or other materials that produce a cushioning effect.
  • Don't put the trampoline on concrete, asphalt or other hard surface without having a trampoline safety net or crash mats in place.
  • Create a safe fall zone of at least 8 feet around the outside of the trampoline, and keep this area clear.

Trampoline equipment requirements

To stay safe, follow these trampoline equipment tips:

  • Purchase a round trampoline (rectangular trampolines provide a dangerously high bounce)
  • Enclose trampolines with high trampoline safety nets around the perimeter
  • Do not use the trampoline without shock-absorbing trampoline safety pads that completely cover its springs, hooks and frame
  • Place the trampoline away from other play areas, buildings and trees
  • Use soft materials like sand or wood chips to provide a softer surface around and underneath the trampoline
  • Carefully review the safety materials included with your trampoline purchase

Trampoline injury statistics

Be aware of these trampoline injury statistics1:

  • Most trips to the hospital emergency rooms result from jumpers colliding, falling off the trampoline or stunts.
  • The most common areas of injury are: 
    • Legs and feet: 40%
    • Arms or hands: 29%
    • Head, face or neck: 20%
    • Shoulder or trunk: 10%
  • About 246,875 medically-treated trampoline injuries occur annually in the United States. 75% of these injuries occur in children 14 or younger.
  • Children under 6 were treated for about 15% of trampoline injuries in hospital emergency rooms.
  • Improper use of a trampoline can result in death. Most victims are teenagers, ages 12 to 19. Falls from the trampoline were the most frequent cause of death, followed by landing on the neck while attempting somersaults.
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