Get your will done for free
Nationwide® has partnered with FreeWill to offer you a fast and easy way to complete a will.

A dad helps his young son button his jacket while his teenage daughter ties her shoes.

No one wants to think about someone else raising their children. Beyond the obvious, it can be difficult to choose someone who you feel will love your children as much as you do and who has the same values and priorities as you.

But in the unlikely event that both you and your partner were to pass away, not having a guardian named in a legal will could be devastating.

Make your wishes known

Without a named guardian, anyone can apply for the job. While the courts will screen the applicants and try to do what’s best for your children or dependents, it’s impossible for them to know their needs and the candidates’ qualities as well as you do.

This means that your sister who can’t raise a houseplant or your cousin who lives on the other side of the country could be named as the guardian, when you really wanted it to be your brother, who lives in your current school district and whom your children adore.

Consider naming co-guardians

It may also be a good idea to name more than one person or couple as potential guardians. Having more than one option ensures that your children will be well cared for even if your first or second choices don’t work out.

Talk to them

Talk to all of the people you’re considering as guardians for your children. It’s possible they can’t take on the additional responsibility, or they may have a major life change planned that you don’t know about. A simple conversation can highlight any issues with your plan and ensure that you’re all on the same page. Things such as financial circumstances, living arrangements, education, religion and values may all be part of these discussions.

It’s also a good idea to let your children or dependents know who will be caring for them if something were to happen to you.

Getting started

While we can’t choose your children’s guardian for you, we can help you get a will in under 20 minutes. Use our personal info organizer to gather all of the details you’ll need to get your 100% free and 100% legal will completed today.

Personal info organizer

Get it together

Use the personal info organizer as a central location for your financial, medical and legal information, and as a resource for starting your will.

Download your organizer

Get your will done for free

Nationwide® has partnered with FreeWill to offer you a fast, easy way to get your will done today.

Start your will