Investing & retirement resources
Whether you’re preparing for retirement, planning for life’s situations or just need to find an investment professional, let us help you navigate your way.
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Tools and calculators
Use our resources to help you plan for retirement.
Life insurance: What's right for you?
Find out which type and how much is right for you and your family.
Investment FAQs
Find answers to frequently asked questions about investing with Nationwide.
NEW Annuity videos
See how different annuities deliver different opportunities for growth and income.
How do annuities work?
Making a withdrawal
Review information and tips that can help you understand the potential impact before making an annuity withdrawal.
What is an annuity?
A tax-efficient way to create and grow income.
Find the right annuity for you
Get growth potential at a comfortable level of risk.
Annuities riders and features
Customize your contract for an additional cost.
What do annuities cost?
Your fees offset the risk that comes with providing guarantee income.
Annuity videos
Learn more about each annuity type.
Types of annuities
Variable annuity
When you need the greatest opportunity for growth.
Registered index-linked annuity
When you're looking for growth and want to define your level of protection from loss.
Fixed indexed annuity
When you'd like the chance for growth but still want some protection from loss.
Fixed annuity
When you're looking for growth without market risk.
Immediate annuity
When you want to receive income after the first year of investing.
Investing basics
This election season, keep calm and invest on
Discover how to keep your investment strategy steady during election season. Learn why focusing on fundamentals, not politics, is key to helping you achieve long-term financial success.
What is estate planning and why is it important?
Many people are surprised to learn that they need an estate plan. Find out what goes into a comprehensive estate plan and how to get yours started today.
Which is right for you: a living trust or a will?
Discover the difference between these two important documents and which one might be a good fit for your needs.
What’s the difference between an advance directive vs. living will?
Learn about the key differences that set these two important documents apart.
Glossary of financial terms
Read these simple definitions and explanations of some commonly-used terms.
Investment types
Learn about the various types of investments, and which ones align best with your own goals.
Tax-deferred investments
Learn how tax-deferred investments work.
Annuity fees and charges
Learn about standard fees that may be deducted from your payments and cash value.
Asset allocation
Manage market risk through diversification.
Dollar cost averaging
Learn about the benefits of regular, periodical investing.
Compounding interest
Discover how your investments earn money over time.
How to rebalance your portfolio
Learn about rebalancing your investments in order to stay on track with your ultimate financial goals.
Choosing subaccounts
Learn how to choose the underlying investments for your variable annuity.
Common investing errors
Avoid the four most common investing errors.
Financial ups and downs
Understand market cycles and how they affect your portfolio’s performance.
Money management worksheets
Organize your financial plan and records using our financial worksheets.
Individual retirement accounts (IRA)
Learn how an IRA may help you invest for retirement.
Expand your choice of investments
Few retirement plans can give you the level of choice that an IRA does.
What is your retirement investing risk tolerance?
Figure out how much risk you are willing to take when investing for retirement.
How to use a charitable trust to leave your legacy
Leave your legacy to a cause you care about with a charitable gift fund.
How to start your child's college fund
Learn how you can start an early college fund for your child.
What is estate planning?
Use this checklist to ensure your family and estate are covered after your passing.
What is a trust fund, and how does it work?
A trust fund can give you more control over what happens to your assets.
How to write a will
Learn some useful tips for writing your will.
Saving change in a jar now happens digitally
Save up fast with an online money jar, many apps offer ways to save.
Planned giving
What to know about gifting property within a family.
Retirement advice from real retirees
Here are 10 important tips from current retirees that can help you plan for your own retirement.
Should you pay off debt or save?
Find out if you should pay off your debt before saving money.
Investing in foreign markets
One way to diversify your portfolio is to put some of your money in overseas investments. Learn more to see if this is a good strategy for your needs.
Has your investment professional passed the test?
Learn about financial designations investment professionals can earn through education and often long and complex examinations.
How do investment professionals get paid?
Learn about the three types of ways investment professionals are paid for their services.
Choosing an investment professional
Learn how to find a financial professional with knowledge and experience that matches your needs now and in the future. Find one that's right for you.
Diversify your investments
Portfolio diversification, or spreading your wealth out across a variety of investments, is an important investment strategy. Learn more.
College savings plans & how to get started
Starting a college fund for your baby is easier than you think. Learn how the right strategy can help you save for college and balance your expenses.
How to stay invested in a volatile market
Read these tips and strategies on how to navigate market fluctuations and stay invested in a volatile market.
What to consider when appointing a guardian in a will
Discover the importance of naming a guardian in your will and the key points to consider as you make your decision.
Life insurance answers
What is a life insurance death benefit?
Learn more about what a life insurance death benefit is, how it works and how it can be taxed.
Which type of long-term coverage is right for me?
Learn about the 2 main types of coverage to determine which one may be right for you.
How to find affordable life insurance
Learn how to find the most affordable life insurance coverage to meet your unique needs.
How to shop for life insurance
Learn more about the best ways to shop for life insurance and what to expect when applying for a policy.
How do life insurance payouts work?
Learn about what happens after filing a claim on a life insurance policy and understand the payout options.
What is cash value life insurance?
Find out how cash value life insurance can offer you more than just a death benefit.
Common mistakes when buying life insurance
Learn about how you can get the best life insurance for your needs while avoiding these mistakes.
What is a life insurance rider?
Learn more about these optional features that can provide you and your loved ones with additional protection.
Are you underinsured?
Discover the six signs that could indicate you're underinsured and learn how to figure out how much you really need.
Life insurance for parents
Find out why buying life insurance one of the most important parenting decisions you can make.
How to buy life insurance online
Discover how quick and easy it can be to get the life insurance protection your family needs.
How do I choose a beneficiary?
Learn how to choose your primary and secondary life insurance beneficiaries.
What is critical illness coverage?
Discover how to get more value from your life insurance policy with coverage for critical illnesses.
What is portable life insurance?
See the benefits of buying your own life insurance policy.
Why do I buy life insurance?
Get four good reasons for buying life insurance.
Life insurance comparison
Compare the four types of life insurance to find the features and characteristics you’re looking for.
How much life insurance?
Learn how to arrive at the right amount of life insurance for your particular needs.
How to prepare for a life insurance exam
Learn some simple ways you can prepare for a life insurance medical exam.
How much does life insurance cost?
Find out the average costs of life insurance and what factors impact life insurance rates.
Benefits of permanent life insurance
Learn some of the differences between permanent and term life insurance as well as some of the benefits of choosing a permanent insurance policy.
Why should you purchase life insurance
There are many important reasons to buy life insurance, including protecting the people in your life who matter the most. Learn more.
What is no-exam life insurance and how does it work?
Discover the benefits and limits of no-exam life insurance and see whether traditional life insurance may be a better value.
What is simplified issue life insurance?
Learn how exam-free insurance can help you get coverage faster.
What is convertible term life insurance?
Learn more about the flexibility offered by convertible term life insurance.
Know your long-term care insurance options
Discover the difference between stand-alone and hybrid LTC policies to learn which may be right for you.
Life insurance vs. accidental death
Discover what sets these two types of protection apart and learn which one may be best for you.
What is horizon planning?
Your needs evolve throughout life, and you have to plan ahead for this. Learn why this is so important, when to start and what to consider. At Nationwide®, our breadth of life insurance solutions can help you with that at every stage of your life.
Life insurance situations
Life insurance and divorce
Learn more about how to navigate life insurance during and after a divorce.
Using life insurance while you’re alive
Learn more about the financial benefits life insurance can offer you while you’re alive.
3 tax advantages of life insurance
Learn about 3 important tax advantages of life insurance.
Leave money to your heirs, not the IRS
Life insurance can help your beneficiaries avoid income taxes.
Paying for your child’s education
Find out how life insurance may help with college.
Think about life insurance as an asset
A life policy may be a valuable addition to your portfolio.
Leave money to a charity
See how you could leave a larger gift to your favorite charity.
Leave money to pay my final expenses
Look for life insurance with a death benefit.
Cover your future long-term care costs
Use life insurance to help with long-term care.
Pay off your mortgage
See how life insurance can help protect your family.
Protect your business
Learn several ways life insurance can be a smart way to protect your business.
Changing your life insurance policy
Find out when and how to change your life insurance.
Do college students need life insurance?
Here are three reasons to consider taking out a life insurance policy for your student.
Leaving a legacy for your family
Find useful tips on how to leave a legacy for your family.
Mutual fund basics
Types of mutual funds
Find a type of mutual fund that may work with your goals, time frame and risk tolerance.
Choosing a mutual fund
Learn about the facts to consider when selecting mutual funds with your financial professional.
Dividends and capital gains
Learn how dividends and capital gains are paid.
Mutual funds investment risks
Better understand potential changes dealing with inflation, interest rate, credit, currency change and more.
Why invest in mutual funds?
Mutual funds can help you work toward your long-term investment goals even during challenging economic conditions.
Preparing for retirement
My Retirement Vision BoardSM
Want a sneak peek of your ideal retirement? Take our fun quiz to build a vision board of the things you want to prioritize. Create your own inspirational collage in just a few minutes.
Shifting Retirement Expectations Across America
Discover how retirement expectations and planning habits vary across America and learn key insights and practical tips to help secure your financial future.
Caring for parents and children creates unique retirement planning challenges for Gen X
Discover how Gen X can navigate the unique challenges of caring for both aging parents and children while securing their own financial future. Learn how partnering with a financial professional can help balance these responsibilities.
Stressed about health care costs? You're not alone
If you’re struggling with health care costs now, what will you do in retirement? Get professional guidance to help manage medical expenses today and in the future.
Maximizing Social Security Benefits Starts with the Choice of a Lifetime
Learn about Social Security benefits-claiming strategies, how to maximize your benefit, and why you should work with a financial professional.
Am I on track for retirement?
Discover if you’re on track for a comfortable retirement with our consumer insights. Learn about retirement savings strategies, managing economic challenges, and the value of professional financial guidance. Start planning your future today.
Rethink retirement by putting uncertainty in perspective when planning
Rethink your retirement, navigate economic challenges, and gain confidence by working with a financial professional to plan for and reach your retirement goals.
Five essential retirement planning tips from the older generation to empower younger adults
Learn about tips that can help your retirement planning journey.
What are the average savings by age?
Knowing how much money you should have saved based on your age will keep you on the right track for retirement.
What is a 401(k) plan?
Learn what a 401(k) plan is and how it can help you save and invest for retirement.
What is a 403(b) plan?
Learn what a 403(b) plan is and how it can help you save and invest for retirement.
How much should you save for retirement?
Check out our simple approach to help you calculate, and save for, what you'll need for retirement.
Planning your retirement income
See how a retirement plan works and learn about the power you have to control your financial future.
Why combining retirement assets into one account could make sense
Find out about the potential benefits of consolidating multiple accounts.
What are asset allocation and diversification?
Learn how a good investment mix can reduce risk.
How compounding can work for your retirement savings
Compounding pays you earnings on your earnings and is a powerful tool that could help your savings grow.
Learn about basic retirement plans
See how you can stay ahead of the curve and plan for your retirement today.
Budgeting your money
Managing your money now may help you meet your long-term goals.
Make your retirement date a reality
Find out how your 401(k) contributions and savings balance compares to your peers.
Why you should participate in a retirement plan
Get information about how to get the most out of your retirement savings plan.
Smart things to do with your 401(k)
Discover seven important tips on how to use your 401(k) to help you reach your retirement savings goal.
What if your company doesn’t offer a plan
Learn about other ways to work toward your retirement goals.
What if your company doesn’t match 401(k)?
You may feel the burden of building your own retirement assets, but you have options.
Sources of income in retirement
Understand where your income could come from in retirement.
When to take Social Security
Learn when to start your Social Security benefits.
Financial road map
Create a plan to help you reach your financial goals.
Retirement & health care
Wondering about health care and costs after retirement?
How to save and build wealth in your 40s
Learn the steps you should be taking in your 40s to reach your financial goals and be prepared for retirement.
Do I need a financial professional?
Learn the questions you should be asking when you consider getting a financial professional.
How much should I contribute to my 401(k)?
Learn how much you should be contributing to your 401(k).
Quiz: How much do you need to save for retirement
Take this quiz and find out how much you should be saving per month for retirement.
What is key person insurance?
Find out how key person life insurance can protect your business if you lose a key employee.
Health Care Survey
Read the Nationwide 2021 Health Care Survey Results to see top findings and to help prevent expenses from getting in the way of retirement plans.
4 conversations about future health care costs
When preparing for retirement, it's important to stay aligned with your doctor, family, and employer about healthcare costs. Learn what topics you should discuss.
Long-term Care Benefits Infographic
Different long-term care policies cover different services. Make sure you are informed before you choose the policy that's right for you.
Medicare and Heath Care Costs in Retirement
Check out our Medicare and health care costs in retirement infographic to learn about options, costs and gaps in coverage.
Social Security Consumer Survey results
Read the Nationwide 2022 Social Security Consumer Survey Results to see top findings and learn about social security insights.
Making Social Security work for you
Use our resources to understand how to make Social Security work for you and your retirement.
Traditional IRAs
Traditional IRAs can be a valuable building block of your retirement plan. Learn what a traditional IRA is, what is offered and how to open a traditional IRA.
What is a Roth IRA?
Roth IRAs allow you to invest money that you'll use when you retire, with extra tax savings. Learn more Roth IRA information and Roth IRA withdrawal rules.
Your company's retirement plan
Decide to enroll
Learn about factors to think about as you consider enrolling in your 401(k) retirement plan.
Questions to ask your employer
Consider asking these questions when starting a new job or enrolling in a retirement plan.
Earn more with an employer match
If your employer matches a portion of your contributions, consider contributing at least enough to get the full match.
You may be enrolled automatically
Your employer may enroll you in a plan automatically. Learn how that may help prepare you for retirement.
Over 50? Consider catch-up contributions
Learn about catch-up provisions for your 401(k) retirement plan.
Enroll in your retirement plan
It’s never too early to start investing for retirement.
Employee benefits guide
Learn the different types of benefits your employer might offer.
Health care benefits to consider
Understand how you can fully utilize your company's health care coverage and health spending accounts to save on medical expenses in the present and future.