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When to file for Social Security is one of the most important decisions you’ll make in your lifetime. By making a filing decision with intention and a greater level of understanding, you can optimize your benefits — securing a larger foundation of monthly income for your retirement. In fact, the Social Security Administration reports that filing at age 70 results in monthly retirement benefits that are as much as 80% higher than filing at age 62.1

Our resources can help you educate yourself on Social Security so that you can have more meaningful conversations with a financial professional — and make the filing decision that’s best for you.

Read the findings from our 11th annual Social Security survey

The Nationwide Retirement Institute® has teamed with The Harris Poll for each of the past 11 years to survey Americans’ knowledge of and concerns about Social Security. We explore how guidance and planning needs differ between women and men and amongst various generational groups or ethnicities. We believe our findings can help you and your financial professional make a more informed filing decision.

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Review this year's comprehensive consumer survey results.

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Get an overview of key insights revealed by our survey.

Previous survey results


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A personalized Social Security filing strategy can help improve your financial security in retirement.

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Your decision will affect the amount of Social Security benefits you’ll receive.

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For financial professionals
View more resources you can use as you help clients make more informed Social Security decisions.

[1] “Your Social Security Statement,” Social Security Form SSA-7005-SM-OL (02/23)

This material should be regarded as educational information on Social Security and is not intended to provide specific advice. If you have questions regarding your particular situation, you should contact the Social Security Administration and/or your legal or tax advisors.