Send Us an Email
Please use this form to email your question to Nationwide or contact us by phone.
If you need to cancel insurance, ask about your bill or just prefer to talk, call 1-877-669-6877.
If you are emailing us about your pet insurance, use this pet email or call 1-855-331-2832.
Have a claim? File your auto or home claim. You can check the status of your claim, text your question to us at 252467 (CLAIMS), or call us at 1-800-421-3535.
Need roadside assistance, get help online.
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This e-mail can be monitored. To ensure confidentiality, you may not want to reference personal information (Social Security numbers, account balances, etc.) in your correspondence. The information you provide on this form will not be sold or used for purposes of solicitation. We will only use the provided information to contact you, if necessary, regarding your comments submitted through this contact form. When a response is appropriate, we may contact you via telephone, e-mail, or other written form. Any changes requested using this e-mail message form will not be binding on Nationwide unless the company or your agent has contacted you to verify the request and accepted the changes.