man and Nationwide employee discussing paperwork

Workers’ compensation insurance provides medical and wage benefits to people who are injured or become ill at work. The coverage is mandated by each state and the wage and medical benefits vary by state. Workers’ compensation is considered a social insurance because it relies on a social contract between management and labor, wherein exchange for purchasing workers’ compensation insurance, business owners are protected from civil suits from their workers who become injured on the job. Yet each party benefits has limitations. Workers’ compensation insurance is purchased by businesses, and is underwritten by insurance companies and, in some states, underwritten by publicly supported state funds.

Workers’ compensation insurance definition

Workers’ compensation provides medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs to employees who are injured or become ill “in the course and scope” of their job. It also pays death benefits to families of employees who are killed on the job.

It also pays death benefits to families of employees who are killed on the job. You can also learn more about the workers’ compensation products Nationwide offers here:

For small, mid-sized, and growing companies.

With specialized services and resources for unique markets.

For commercial agribusinesses, food and fuel operations.

How is the cost of workers’ compensation insurance determined?

Similar businesses in each state, that exhibit comparable workplace injury patterns and costs, are grouped into “classes.” Rates are determined for each class based on the prior five years of loss costs for all businesses within that class. This provides an equitable system where rates are charged commensurate with the actual loss experience of the class of business. Economic factors for each state are then overlaid onto this data to determine the rate for each class in a given state.

A system called “experience rating” allows for modification of the class rates based on the loss history of an individual business. This system provides business owners a significant amount of control over the cost of their workers’ compensation premium – safe businesses are rewarded with lower premiums and unsafe businesses are penalized with higher premiums.

Who is required to carry workers’ compensation insurance?

All states, with a small number of exceptions, require businesses with employees who are not owners, to purchased workers’ compensation coverage for those employees.

Businesses that fail to provide workers’ compensation coverage can face severe and costly repercussions including payment of claims out of pocket, fines and possible imprisonment, as well as possibly losing the right to conduct business in the state.

How workers’ compensation claims work

The injured parties must visit a healthcare professional immediately so a doctor can provide medical reports to support any claims. Employees can then begin the claims filing process with Nationwide, being sure to include any state-mandated paperwork or forms. Once these claims are approved, the recipient will receive their compensation payments and can return to work when they feel they are ready.

How do I get workers’ compensation insurance?

For more information about workers’ compensation insurance, including workplace safety training contact your local agent or call Nationwide at 1-888-490-1549.

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Product, coverage, discounts, insurance terms, definitions, and other descriptions are intended for informational purposes only and do not in any way replace or modify the definitions and information contained in your individual insurance contracts, policies, and/or declaration pages from Nationwide-affiliated underwriting companies, which are controlling. Such products, coverages, terms, and discounts may vary by state and exclusions may apply.

The information included here is designed for informational purposes only. It is not legal, tax, financial or any other sort of advice, nor is it a substitute for such advice. The information may not apply to your specific situation. We have tried to make sure the information is accurate, but it could be outdated or even inaccurate in parts. It is the reader’s responsibility to comply with any applicable local, state or federal regulations. Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company, its affiliates and their employees make no warranties about the information nor guarantee of results, and they assume no liability in connection with the information provided.